Isekai Yakkyoku - Anime - AniDB (2025)


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recommended by 13 users - 4 for fans - 7 recommended - 2 must see


by ornehx on 2024-11-27 02:39

Surprisingly good despite its unattractive title

From the title 'Pharmacy', didnt expect to be entertain much
But it was surprisingly adequate in details and good balance in science and magic around medicines and illness
Some episodes even got me close to tears, some episodes got me sitting up in anticipation, some gave out feel good vibes

Despite the medical-esque theme, it was an easy watch and easy to get hook on
Great artwork, often bright and cheerful in contast to the morbid topics
But damn the queen is hot!

Though the ending was a bit deus ex medicina and rushed
Noticeable artwork quality drop too, as it rushed to tie up the loose end with hurried narrations instead of show-tell

It is still a recommended watch. Nothing to shout out about, but it just fits nicely into the comfort watch zone. Give it a try. 6/10 for me


by aidschbe on 2023-07-11 09:52

Wholesome, surprisingly thoughtful and well-written.

I appreciate that the protagonist was at the top of his field before getting isekai'd, and that his knowledge is imperative in making his (still quite op) powers useful.

Stays slice-of-life the whole way through. Good watch.


by impressive on 2023-01-06 23:29

Actually the first half was so good, that I couldn't stop watching. Another interesting idea in isekai world. Overpowered as pharmacologist, not as a fighter anymore. Farma is a kid, so harem out of question, but there are still quiet a few cuties around. Sadly, for me it lost the interesting part as the story progressed and it took me some days to watch last 3 episodes. In the end it's a good show, although nothing above average.


by sammy321 on 2022-10-09 21:36

Going into this series, I was nervous it would take a non-serious approach to potion making like Drug Store in Another World did. However, this series was grounded in medical science and the characters, magic and pacing were good. Overall, this wasn't bad, but it was cool to see modern diseases get treated in a fantasy world.


by drd00m on 2022-10-05 15:10

It was ok at first, but then it got worse and worse. The animation decreased noticeably, and at some point I felt like I was in a Corona advertisement. Just put on your masks!... Was there any money from BigPharma for this anime? O_o The character development is hardly noticeable. I mean when you're reborn as an adult in a teenager's body, what are the possibilities. Rather, I have the feeling that the 40-year-old doctor is becoming a child again, except that he knows how to make medicines. Of the ones presented, there are actually only antibiotics and vitamin C. The rest are cosmetics. I think potential was wasted here! 3/5 stars at most.

for fans

by VoidTraveler on 2022-09-29 00:29

An okay watch.
Mc is put into the body of some noble kid when that kid got offed by lightning(makes you wonder if that was actually an accident lmao), has powers that make him practically a god, and goes around healing people with his medical know-how from the modern world.
Nothing particularly special, think of it as: Isekai slice of life.


by raux on 2022-09-27 09:37

It's bag of mixed feelings for me. I am getting a vibe that this anime is trying to be mature and serious, but it fails to deliver. I don't feel the drama behind pandemic outbreak, I don't feel MC's struggle about his wife and sister and his new family is kind of a mishmash, though I have to give credit to his father.

All-in-all, it's by no means bad and definitely a good time filler, but I'm afraid not more than that.

must see

by Lordcero on 2022-09-26 18:41

Yes, I am convinced Isekai can be made from ANY concept at this point!

All tropes aside, this is yet, one more FANTASTIC addition to the Isekai genre! The main character is OVERPOWERED in a UNIQUE way.

In a world devoid of modern medicine and common sense of self-care, the MC, is a literal "God-send" to this new world he now inhabits.

With this premise in-mind, the antagonists are MOSTLY the diseases themselves, which in my opinion is pretty refreshing compared to the stereotypical villain.

The MC is pretty generic, however, is the beacon of hope, good, and the focal point of the story.

This is one of the few (Along with Ascendance of a bookworm) I would recommend to someone, if they are bored of the Isekai genre!

for fans

by efekt on 2022-09-26 18:25

Although visually good and an interesting premise, the writing in this one is quite lazy and sums down to a very basic and quite boring formula: "MC faces a big problem, but MC is extremely OP so he overcomes the problem and everyone are happy".
This was THE SAME formula for EVERY episode, including the last one.
NOTHING is hard for the MC to achieve, to a point where everything gets too predictable.
Although being quite wholesome adds some points to the show's credit, it ultimately doesn't help to bring it above being an average watch.
There are better isekais out there to watch, you can safely save this one for later.


by o_0_O_0_o on 2022-09-26 09:19

This anime could have been so much better if it weren't for the cheap-as-heck animation. In general it was pretty good in terms of plot and characterization, but the static and low-budget animation basically ruins it.

must see

by Helemar on 2022-09-26 04:09

Nothing short of fantastic. There is nothing I can complain about with this series. It's intelligent, thoughtful, deep, and nothing short of tragic. The MC doesn't know his own strengths but he knows clearly where he falls short. He encounters hardships, obstacles, and overcomes them in a non-ridiculous way. Not only that, he is caring, generous, and humble. I can't speak highly enough of this series and the characters.

There is absolutely no reason not to watch this. You'll enjoy it if you have any inclination towards isekais at all.

Worth the watch and then some. Hoping for another season.

for fans

by Ezeuz on 2022-08-31 07:36

Might not be special comfy watch per se, but there's always a special point for being the only one during the season.

Overall it has a lot of formula like Honzuki, but it's turning out to be the opposite in terms of conflict resolution, fast and nothing left unresolved. So overall both the suspense and the stake at play are lower.

The most unfortunate aspect would be for how complex the topic they pick, it ends up being too shallow. The end parts of the series are especially atrocious with zero build-up and they try to hype things up by making all the characters act jarringly serious.

Isekai Yakkyoku - Anime - AniDB (2025)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Views: 6250

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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